Please sign into our guest book and leave a message for others to read and respond...let's reunite and have some fun!
Charles Simpson
Posted on the 2021-09-08 at 20:00
Hello Y'all,
A HUGE THANK YOU to those who have orchestrated this reunion and maintained this website. I have had a great time reading the classmate profiles, feel sad to see so many that have not been located and feel sadder still reading the Memorials. Surely, more folks can add tributes to our classmates who have passed away.
Unfortunately, when I booked our return flight from Ireland, I was unaware about the reunion date. Sooo, sadly, I will miss this great gathering and my wife, Ellen, will miss this, possibly last, opportunity to discover some of my roots.
I would be happy to hear from anyone that would be interested in doing so. I'd love to hear your life stories.
Some word thoughts and random memories: Move UP with Hupp, Dawes Deadly Sins, The Hungry Eye, Leone's Pizza on State Road, the purple urinals at the State Theater, Cinerama at The Falls Theater, May 4, 1970, sleeping in Mr. Ewald's physics class, The Gold Tones and the great marching band.
Have a great time!!
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Dan Argenas
Posted on the 2021-08-16 at 20:00
Hello 70 Friends... looking forward to seeing everyone. Had a blast working with the Reunion Committee.
Dan Argenas
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Marcie Troxell (Clark)
Posted on the 2021-06-13 at 20:00
no message
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Sue O\Brien Shannon
Posted on the 2020-01-16 at 19:00
All signed up! I've had fun at every reunion and am really looking forward to this one. Can't believe it's been 50 years. I encourage every classmate that can possibly do so to come and reconnect, share stories, laugh and remember. Hope to see many old friends and make some new ones at our reunion in September.
Also join us if you are local or in town each third Thursday for our "mini'' reunions. It's so much fun and growing every year! See the class FB for info.
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Chris Mohler Schroeder
Posted on the 2020-01-09 at 19:00
Hi Fellow Classmates! 50 years!!! How can it be??? We promise to make this weekend a fun-filled, memorable event for all who attend. Our committee is working hard to find as many classmates as possible. Please pass this information on to any classmates you know.
Golf outing on Friday, happy hour at Burntwood Tavern Friday night, Saturday tour of the high school, our Big Event Saturday night with a great live band, prizees and so much more! Derby Downs on Sunday! Whew, it's going to be a fun time!
We also have 3 of our classmates who are incredible artisans, donating pieces to be raffled off at our reunion dinner saturday night. Watch for future updates featuring photos of thier pieces being donated.
We hope to see many of you at our 50th reunion!
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Deb Marsden Turner
Posted on the 2019-12-11 at 19:00
OK, old high school's time to get together! Some maybe for the first time, but whether it's your first or 5th time, we don't care. We just want to see YOU! Maybe we can reconnect, reminisce a bit, and even revive old and dear friendships. It's going to be a fun-filled 2 nights and 2 days...great food, great fun and a super great band! PLEASE PLAN ON definitely will be glad you did!
Oh, and in case you forgot, you may want to brush up on the twist, the watusi, the loco motion, the swim, the pony, the mashed potato, and the jerk...
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Jackie Beyke Leavenworth
Posted on the 2019-12-04 at 19:00
Hello everyone! 50 Years, REALLY???? I still drive by the high school and expect to wave at friends...LOL...when I see the students, they look soooo young. I'm really excited to be a part of the planning for our 50th reunion and even more excited to see classmates I haven't seen in many years. Please add your profile in our "Classmate Profiles" section so that we can catch up on your life and PLEASE, PLEASE join us for our reunion weekend, September 25th - 27th. I watched Deb Marsden Turner's eyes actually light up last night in one of our planning meetings as she talked about the "awesome band" and wonderful decorations to commemorate this milestone in our lives. With such a large class, we are still looking for many classmates, please keep checking back into our website as we will soon list those who have not been found. We want to communicate with everyone and perhaps you can help. Looking forward to new and renewed friendships. Jackie (Beyke) Leavenworth
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Kathy (Graham)Platt
Posted on the 2019-12-04 at 19:00
Hello Classmates! Just wanted to send a note to everyone to let you know we are making plans for the reunion, and it should be a great event! The committee is working hard to find and contact as many classmates as possible. Also, in case you didn't know, we have a class dinner every 3rd Thursday of the month. They have been at Red Fox on State Rd. the last few months. December's get together will be on the 19th. This is a great way to meet and reunite with friends before the reunion. We would love to see you if you're in town! Merry Christmas and see you in September (if not before)